My Music & Other Products

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


"What's the mood, the vibe for today, Sunrise?"

I have started peaking out the back sliding door in the mornings to catch the sunrise for a few moments. It's amazing what healing energy permeates my mind and emotions as I simply check out the unique "mood" of the morning in the way the sun's rays hit the clouds and sky. It's different every time. It's beautiful every time. Even on a cloudy day, I never remember an UGLY sunrise.

Image result for sunrise

There are so many variations in the beauty of sunrise. There is no wrong way for the sun, sky, and clouds to meet up. There's no deception, no curses, no worry, no poverty. There is an endless supply of wealth behind each sunrise. It's amazing how much money goes into a Hollywood movie, yet the "special effects" of sunrise are free of charge. There is no concern that tomorrow there will be no more sun. It's always there, somewhere. And there WILL BE LIGHT. There is nothing condemning about a sunrise. It's there for me, no matter how much of a failure I am. It reminds me that some things are always constant, that there is a GOD above and beyond it all, and that good is stronger, independent of everything else. The sunrise gives light, which eliminates all traces of darkness.

I love the sunrise. Most people in America don't have time to catch the beautiful, simple moments in nature. We're late for work. We have a headache, and the stupid coffee maker broke down. The kids are not hustling, they're back-talking, and they missed the school-bus. We find out our best friend has been lying to us, and we have a shopping date tomorrow. Who has time to appreciate a sunrise? What's the point?

The point is...because it's something good that cannot be affected or destroyed by everyday negativity and darkness. Anything that helps inspiration take the place of dwelling on problems...deserves at least a few seconds of our time. What if we all did this every morning? What would the energy/dynamic in the world look like in a year?

This is one way I have chosen to light my candle in the world. I now NOTICE the sunrise, and I thank God for how awesome it is.

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